Only for women 16+.
INSAVIOR (Instant Savior) is an innovative application with 7 features for the safety and protection of women, through an SOS button and a community that offers networking, and instant-practical help to a woman in danger, by promoting womens solidarity.
INSAVIOR provides an SOS button with 2 levels of danger. The SOS of the highest importance, where a woman in an emergency situation can immediately activate it by using the widget of the app and receive immediate help from the INSAVIOR women who are in close proximity to her, as long as they will receive automatically her live location (with map and navigation), her name and her photo for immediate identification. At the same time, a message will also be sent to the emergency contacts she specified, with her location (with map and navigation) so that they can notify the Police on her behalf.
At the same time, INSAVIOR also provides the SOS of Moderate Significance (Escort Button), where if a woman feels insecure, is afraid, needs an escort in her car, at home or simply does not feel well, she can write a post in this field and the women in the app who are near her will get a notification along with her location (with map and navigation) so they can contact her through her post and go directly to her and help her out.
In addition, INSAVIOR provides Self-Defense Videos by a distinguished athlete and coach for the physical strengthening and safety of each INSAVIOR, Informative Articles to awaken and inform experts, in collaboration with the non-profit organization "Gine Anthropos", as well as a Community Page where each INSAVIOR can freely share her thoughts, concerns, advice or even her own story with the other members of the application even anonymously.
Finally, INSAVIOR provides 24/7 Live Chat where each member can receive support from experienced experts in collaboration with "Gine Anthropos" non-profit organization.
The goal is the physical and mental empowerment of every woman and the immediate and practical provision of help to every woman who needs us, through the transformation of female solidarity into practice through the use of our innovative technology and our community. The goal is to cultivate a culture that eliminates the phenomenon of the “Bystander Phenomenon” and exalts the difference that "Together" can make in all its aspects. The goal is to create a community with a human approach that the power and effectiveness of the application is on us. In every female member of the INSAVIOR community.
The more women who have the INSAVIOR app, the safer we will all be. Thats how it works. Help us spread the word!
Our motto is: “Women Stronger Safer Together” & “Together We Stand, Only Together We Can”.